1914-15 Star (24664 Pte A.D. RAMSAY. 13/CAN:INF:); British War Medal (24664 PTE. A.D. RAMSAY. 13-CAN.INF.); and Victory Medal (24664 PTE. A.D. RAMSAY. 13-CAN.INF.). Naming is officially impressed. Unmounted, very crisp detail, dark patina on the BWM, original ribbons, light contact, near extremely fine. Accompanied by a Trench Art Identification Tag (converted French Two Franc Coin, silver, reverse of the coin has had the image of Marianne and accompanying type removed, replaced with the impressed name "24664 A.D. RAMSAY 13.CAN.BATT. R.H.C.", 27.5 mm, with metal wrist chain without clasp) and a CD containing twenty-eight pages with copies of his Index Cards, Attestation Paper, Service Records, Medical Records, Discharge Certificates and Department of Veterans Affairs Death Notification.
Footnote: Allan Duncan Ramsay was born on August 17, 1892 in Glasgow, Scotland. He signed his Attestation Paper with the 13th Infantry Battalion "Royal Highlanders of Canada" on September 23, 1914, at Camp Valcartier, Quebec, naming his next-of-kin as his wife, Isabella Ramsay of Montreal, Quebec, stating that he had previous military service with Royal Highlanders of Canada and four years previous to that with the 1st Highland Field Company, Royal Artillery in Glasgow, that he was married and that his trade was that of Construction Foreman (Concrete Engineer). The Battalion was raised in Quebec and Nova Scotia with mobilization headquarters at Camp Valcartier, Quebec under the authority of P.C.O. 2067, August 6, 1914. The Battalion sailed October 3, 1914 under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel F.O.W. Loomis with a strength of 45 officers and 1,112 other ranks. Ramsay embarked for France in February 1915 and, although only 22 years old at the time, he was diagnosed with a case of Rhumatism in both knees in March 1915, due to "exposure" while with the 13th Battalion. He was in battle on June 2, 1915, when he was buried by a shell explosion. He was to endure six to seven hours in a trench buried and ten hours unconscious. He was admitted to No. 2 Canadian Field Ambulance on September 28th, with pain in his back and experiencing "deep pain on both sides." After almost two weeks, he was transferred and admitted to the Sanitary Section on October 9th, where he was to spend the next two weeks, before being discharged to duty at 1st Division Headquarters on the 23rd. He eventually returned to duty with the 13th Battalion the following the summer, joining them on August 26, 1916. Two weeks later he was in action with the 13th when he suffered a gun shot wound (shrapnel) to his right leg, then admitted to No. 20 General Hospital on September 9, 1916. He was evacuated to England and transferred to the Canadian Casualty Assembly Centre at Folkestone, England and subsequently transferred and admitted to St. Anselm's Volunteer Detachment Hospital, Walmer, Kent on September 12 for additional treatment, remaining with them for the next seven weeks, until November 28th. It was here that it was established the he was experiencing Neurasthenia (a mechanical weakness of the actual nerves, rather than the more metaphorical "nerves"), with a distinct "lameness" in his leg. His hospitalization continued, at Shorncliffe Military Hospital at Shorncliffe (November 25 to 29) and the Canadian Hospital at Hastings (November 29 to December 4), before being transferred to the 3rd Canadian Command Depot on December 7th. He was training here until Feb. 15, 1917, when he "Broke down", experiencing pains in his limbs. He was again sent to sent to Shorncliffe Military Hospital until March 23rd, when he returned to his unit in a clerical position. Ramsay was transferred from 13th Battalion to the 1st Quebec Regimental Depot, Sussex at Shorncliffe-by-the-Sea, Sussex to the Military Hospital at Shorncliife, for the purpose of joining the Canadian Army Medical Corps on April 13, 1917, taken on strength upon transfer to the Canadian Army Medical Corps on May 2, 1917. His medical condition proved to be quite a handicap, as he was discharged from the 3rd Canadian Command Depot on June 18th. He soon found himself at Shorncliffe again, from June 6 to July 6. He was admitted to Hill House Hospital at Ramsgate on July 7, 1917 with "pain in (his) knee & back" and diagnosed with Myalgia (or muscle pain, a symptom of many diseases and disorders. The most common causes are the overuse or over-stretching of a muscle or group of muscles. Myalgia without a traumatic history is often due to viral infections). Three weeks later, he was transferred to Monks Horton Canadian Convalescent Hospital on July 24th. After a two day stay at Monks, he was transferred to King's Convalsecent Red Cross Hospital at Bushy Park. In an Overseas Board Report, dated August 10, 1917 at King's, Bushy Park, it was noted that Ramsay "Went to France Feb. 1915. Pains in legs in March. Buried in June 1915, was unable to move - Had pains in stomach and back. Sent to Field Ambulance for two weeks. Penis started to "run" after this accident. Returned to Unit - back treated with plasters, etc. for some time afterwards as back was weak. Wounded Sept., 1916. G.S.W. Rt. leg. Evacuated to England. Walmer Hosp. Sept. 12; Nov. 30 C.C.A.C. 30-11-16 to 4-12-16; Boarded A3. Training until Feb. 15, 1917. Broke down. Pains in limbs etc. and sent to Shorncliffe Mil. Hosp. until March 23rd; boarded C3. Duty and clerical work until June. Hosp. Shorncliffe Military again 30-6-17 to 6-7-17. Hill House Hosp. Ramsgate 6-7-17 to 23-7-17 Myalgia. Shorncliffe Mil. Hos. 23-7-17 to 24-7-17; Monks Horton C.C.H. 24-7-17 to 26-7-16. King's Con. Red Cross Hosp. Bushy Park 26-7-17 to Present." In addition to Neurasthenia, he was also diagnosed with Nephritis (inflammation of the neuphrons in the kidneys, often caused by infections, toxins, and auto-immune diseases. It can be caused by infection, but is most commonly caused by autoimmune disorders that affect the major organs). Five weeks later, he was transferred to the Canadian Military Hospital at Kirkdale for addition treatment of his Neurasthemia on October 2, 1917. Due to his ongoing medical condition, he was invalided to Canada for further treatment on November 15, 1917 via Liverpool. He eventually made his way to the west coast of Canada, where he continued to be treated for Neurasthenia. In a medical report dated November 27, 1917 at Vancouver, British Columbia, it was noted that Ramsay "States that physical condition perfect until he went to France in Feb. 1915. In June/15 he was buried by (a) shell after which he had pains in his back. In Sept./16 he had a moderate sore through wound in calf of right leg. Healed but difficult in walking due to scar being adherent to muscles in lower third in back of leg. Complains of headaches (frontal) in the early morning. Sleeps fairly well. Complains of general weakness, lack of initiative and desire to do anything. Difficulty in concentrating his attention for any length of time. Pains in back, shoulders and knees in wet weather. Complains of frequent commissions. Systolic murmur at apex." He was discharged from Glenart Castle eleven days later, on November 26th, later taken on strength by J Unit on December 6, 1917 at Esquimalt, British Columbia, near Victoria. While on Vancouver Island, his Medical History of An Invalid was issued, dated March 13, 1918 at Shaughnessy Military Convalescent Hospital, at Vancouver, British Columbia, in regards to his Neurasthenia, noting that he was "Very nervous at times, and complains of palpitation of heart when excited." In regards to his shrapnel wound, it stated that "He was struck by shrapnel middle third outer surface of right leg. Bullet passed out lower third of inner side right leg. This lower scar is adherent to tendo-achilles and puckers on movement of ankle, causing a dragging sensation when he walks, causing him to limp slightly." It was recommended that he be declared Class "E" (Unfit) and discharged as such. On March 28, 1918 at the Canadian Medical Corps Depot at Victoria, British Columbia, Ramsay was Honourably Discharged, as "Being Physically Unfit for Further Service", his character stated as "Very Good." He was credited with having served in Canada, the United Kingdom and France: Canada (August 1914 to October 1914), England (October 1914 to February 1915), France (February 1915 to September 1916), England (September 1916 to November 1917) and Canada (November 1917 to March 1918), earning him the WWI trio. He died on November 25, 1976 at the age of 84, at an undetermined location.