Charles Bellows Hazeltine: Group of Seven: Legion of Merit, Legionnaire Grade; Purple Heart (engraved "CHARLES B. HAZELTINE" on the reverse, numbered "6012" on the edge); Mexican Border Service Medal (engraved "CHARLES B. HAZELTINE" on the reverse, numbered "9998" on the edge); WWI Victory Medal, 2 Clasps - DEFENSIVE SECTOR, MEUSE-ARGONNE; 29th Division, American Expeditionary Force Commemorative Medal 1918 (places and dates of battles on the reverse); France: Verdun Medal, Type II, Bronze Grade (artist signed "VERNIER"); and France: War Cross 1914-1918 (with silver star). Group of Six: American Defense Service Medal; European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (with four bronze stars); American Campaign Medal; WWII Victory Medal; Greece: Order of the Redeemer, Officer (silver gilt and enamels, gold centrepiece, 35.5 mm x 55.5 mm inclusive of crown suspension, with rosette); and Greece: Legion of Honour, Medal of Military Merit, 3rd Class (with bronze laurel wreath). Both groups with original ribbons, sewn on a suspension with swing bar pinback, as worn by the veteran. Accompanied by three unmounted orders/medals: Serbia: Order of the White Eagle, 3rd Class, Commander, Type II (silver gilt and enamels, 41.2 mm x 89 mm, blue enamel chipping on the suspension); Yugoslavia: Order of the Yugoslav Crown, 3rd Class, Commander (silver gilt and enamels, 55.2 mm x 76.5 mm inclusive of its wreath suspension, minor enamel chipping on reverse of wreath); and China (Republic): WWII Victory Commemorative Medal (bronze, numbered "NO. A15676" on the reverse, with sun clasp). Extremely fine. Accompanied by fifteen Ribbon Bars (ten with four ribbons, five with three ribbons, with various appurtenances or rosettes), Combat Infantryman Badge (two-piece construction, sterling silver, marked "STERLING" on the reverse, 26 mm x 75.5 mm), a matching pair of Colonel's Insignias (unmarked, 18.2 mm x 39.2 mm each) and pair of Major's Collar Insignia (bronze gilt, maker marked "J.R. GAUNT LONDON" on the reverse, 25.5 mm x 27.3 mm each). Charles Bellows Hazeltine Jr.: Silver Star (engraved in capitals "CHARLES B. HAZELTINE JR." on the reverse); Bronze Star (engraved in running script "Charles B. Hazeltine, Jr." on the reverse); American Defense Service Medal; American Campaign Medal; Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal (with two bronze stars); WWII Victory Medal; and National Defense Service Medal. Unmounted. Extremely fine. Accompanied by a Bronze Star Ribbon Bar, a matching pair of Colonel's Insignias (sterling silver, marked "V21" with the Vanguard maker mark and marked "STERLING" on the reverse, 19 mm x 37 mm each), two Colonel's Insignias (silver bullion wire on olive green cotton, 60 xx 85.5 mm), pair of Collar Tabs with Service Bars and Overseas Chevron (gold bullion wire on olive green wool, 41.3 mm x 69 mm and 41.3 mm x 73 mm, respectively), Name Tag (leather, stamped on the reverse in black ink, most of which is faded but "LEAVENWORTH, KANS." legible, with clear plastic window and buttonhole suspension slot, printed insert labelled "COL. B.B. HAZELTINE", 64 mm x 104 mm) and Envelope (from Luxenberg Civilian & Military Tailors, New York, addressed to "Col. C.B. Hazeltine / HQ CRTC / Fort Riley Kansas" postmarked New York, March 26, 1945, 102 mm x 158 mm, with burn mark). Extremely fine. Accompanied by Service Records and assorted research material on both men.
Footnote 1: 03629 Charles Bellows Hazeltine was born on May 11, 1892 in Seattle, Washington. He completed one year of high school in Belfast, Maine in 1907, then enlisted as a Midshipman at the United States Naval Academy from 1909-1912. Athletically, he was active in Boxing and Basketball. Upon leaving the USNA, he attended Manlius Military School and graduated in 1913. Hazeltine joined the Army in 1913 and served as part of the Mexican Border Service in 1916, before he was to see service in Europe during the First World War. It was for his efforts in Europe, that he was awarded the Purple Heart, the French War Cross, the Serbian Order of the White Eagle, the Order of the Yugoslav Crown and the Greek Legion of Honour, Medal of Military Merit, along with the two clasp Victory Medal. He achieved a number of ranks throughout his career: 2nd Lieutenant (November 1, 1913), 1st Lieutenant (July 1, 1916), Captain (May 15, 1917), Major (July 1, 1920), Lieutenant Colonel (August 1, 1935) and Colonel (June 22, 1941). Hazeltine took an Advanced Course at Cavalry School (September 1925 to June 1926). By the time the Second World War was in full swing, he was Commanding 115th Cavalry (H & M) Oregon Coast S.S. (January to June 1942). He is documented as being at Allied Force Headquarters, Civilian Aff. (October 31 to December 31, 1942); Chief PW Branch Inc. Section (January 1 to December 31, 1943, where he was Chief or Director of a Major Department Unit in December 1943); Assistant S-3 at Headquarters Cavalry Replacement Training Center at Fort Riley, Kansas (January 20, 1944 to April 2, 1945, where he qualified in Map and Aerial Photo Reading in April 1944, was an Operations and Training Staff Officer in June 1944, completed a course in Malaria Control Training in June 1944 and was a Training Officer in March 1945); and with Army Ground Forces RD #1 at Fort Meade, Maryland (May 9 to August 12, 1945, where he was a Non-Tactical Unit Officer in June 1945 and Composite Unit Commander in July 1945). Hazeltine retired on May 31, 1947 as a Colonel, having served in the Army for 32 years and 5 months (November 1, 1913 to March 31, 1946), with four years and ten months of that service in China, Japan, France and the Balkans. He was married to Anne Flinn Hazeltine and spent the latter part of his retirement years in Carmel, California. He died on September 8, 1965, at the age of 73.
Footnote 2: 0022896 Charles Bellows Hazeltine Jr. was born in San Antonio, Texas on January 10, 1917, the son of the aforementioned Colonel and Mrs. Charles B. Hazeltine. He was educated during his high school years at Institution Silliq in Switzerland, later attending Prep School at Phillips Andover, in Andover, Maine, graduating Cum Laude in 1935. He attended the West Point Cadet Military Academy (July 1, 1936 to June 10, 1940), where he was to graduate in 1940, 9th in his class of 449 cadets. In the United States Military Academy West Point Howitzer Yearbook, it describes Hazeltine as "Congressional. Athlete, star man, "five-striper" and lover described a cross section of Hazy's colorful cadet career. Natural ability coupled with conscientious efforts brought about these achievements and will serve to guide him in the future. Hazy spurned shoe leather and motors in favor of the horse by making the Cavalry his branch. Had he written our texts for us himself, he would have had only slightly less trouble interpreting them. His exuberance and congeniality lent themselves aptly to his qualifications as a good fellow." His list of achievement included: Corporal (3-2) Captain (1) Battalion Commander (1) Stars (4-3-2) Lacrosse (4-3) Hockey (4-3-2-1) Major "A", for being the first team to beat Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario (2) Soccer (4-3-2-1) Captain (1) Pistol Squad (2) Class Treasurer (3-2) Pistol Expert. He achieved a number of ranks throughout his career: 1st Lieutenant (October 10, 1941), Lieutenant Colonel (February 1, 1944), 2nd Lieutenant Cavalry (June 1940), Major (August 1952), and finally Colonel. In his Reunion Book, the entry states that Hazeltine was three months at Cavalry School at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he was "indoctrinated in the four principles of Cavalry: Fire Power, Mobility, Shock Action and Never Refuse a Drink". He graduated Command and General Staff School in 1942. He was transferred to Fort Clark, Texas, to join the 5th Cavalry. The regiment was soon ordered to Fort Bliss, Texas, to join the 1st Cavalry Division. In January 1943, having just returned from a short course at Leavenworth, Texas, he left for Washington, DC, to attend a special orientation course set up by General Marshall. He is documented as being at HqAAF (Headquarters Army Air Forces, 1943-1944), which led to a two year stint in CBI (China, Burma, India), where he was to earn the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and excel at Counterintelligence. In his own words, he was "one year at Vinegar Joe's Headquarters in New Delhi, six months at Headquarters SEAC (South East Asia Command) in Kandy, Ceylon and one half year commanding a squadron of cavalry (dismounted) in North Burma" (1944-1945). Hazeltine returned to Washington, to the Pentagon for one year. In an article entitled "Scully's Scrapbook" in Variety, New York, dated April 19, 1945, it notes that "General Eisenhower gave the job of the paper barrage to Colonel C.B. Hazeltine, a West Pointer, who had taught military tactics to most of his own generals. The nearest the Colonel had come to the job assigned him was in a paper chase of the cavalry, so the real work had to be done by people who had specialized in crystalizing public opinion. But it was good thing the task force was topped by a Pointer, as no one else could have broken down the resistance of his own kind so well." He was three years in the West Point Tactical Department, adopted a son, Jock, in July 1948 and later, had a natural born son, Timothy, born in October 1949. Hazeltine was with G3 Section HqUSFA (1949-1951), then was attached for the next three years to OJCS in Washington (Office/Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1951-1954). It was during this time that he and his wife, Becky, were to be blessed with a third son, Brian, born in May 1952. He was transferred to Fort Monroe, in Hampton, Virginia for the next three years (CbtDevl HqCONARC = Headquarters, Continental Army Command, 1954-1957), followed by four moves in as many years: Naval War College (1958); ITT #3 Armish MAAG (Military Assistance Advisory Group - Iran); Command at Fort Hood, in Killeen, Texas); before returning to Washington for a four year tour in Research & Development (ArReschO OCRD = Office Chief of Research and Development, 1960-1964). He was again transferred, this time to Berlin Command during the Cold War (1964-1967), before returning to the United States as CbtDevlComd (Combat Development Command) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia (1967-1970). Hazeltine Jr. retired in 1970 as a Colonel. He owned a home in Belfast, Maine, where he was to spend his retirement years and died there on June 12, 1996, at the age of 79.